【課務組公告】109-2學期選課相關公告Announcement about 109-2 course selection
The preliminary registration list of the courses has been announced.
Please carefully check whether your registered courses are on the list
The schedule for the next-stage course selection is as follows.
Please notice the periods for each event.
1. 退 選時間:2月22日中午12:30至 2月23日中午12:30止
Drop courses before course add/drop:12:30p.m. Feb. 22 - 12:30p.m. Feb. 23
2. 加退選時間:2月23日中午12:30至 3月 3 日中午12:30止
Courses add/drop online:12:30p.m. Feb. 23 - 12:30p.m. Mar. 3
3. 加 簽時間:3月 8 日上午08:00至 3月14日晚上23:59止
Add course requests:08:00A.m. Mar. 8 - 23:59p.m. Mar.14
※參考資源:大一體育(一)、體育(二)課程網路加退選限制公告 或逕洽體育中心,分機6613
Reference:Notice of adding or dropping the courses PE(I) and PE(II) for first-year undergraduates.
教務處課務組Curriculum Division(ext.#6122-6)