

最後更新日期 : 2024-12-03

在學證明   (學位生)

Student Certificate (for Degree Students)



◎Exchange students requiring a Student Certificate should contact the Office of International Affairs first. (Administration Building 6F)




1. 繳費:總務處出納組(行政大樓108)

2. 網路註冊:網路註冊系統

3. 繳交新生資料:教務處註冊組(行政大樓401)





(1) Log in to the e-Portfolio system and select “Certificate of Enrollment” from the menu on the left. Check whether all the required items listed on the left-hand page are completed:


1. Payment Status: General Affairs Office, Cashier Division (Administration Building 108)

2. Online Registration: Online Registration System

3. Required documents for application: Academic Affairs Office, Registration Division (Administration Building 401)


(2) Once all items are completed, click “Certification Data” on the right-hand page, select the current semester, and download the certificate.

(3) If a hard copy is needed, you can print it at the self-service printing station near the elevator on the 4th floor of the Administration Building for 1 NT dollar per copy.


業務承辦單位: 註冊組 Registry Div. ☎ 6112~6116