
【註冊組】113-1學期成績已於114/1/14(週二)下午12:30開放查詢(請登錄電子學習履歷系統) The grades for the 113-1 semester are expected to be available for inquiry by the end of work hours on Tuesday , January 14th of 2025.

最後更新日期 : 2025-01-14






一、 貴家長若想查詢同學成績,請於本校首頁\中文\家長\右側「家長查詢成績」,輸入學生出生年月日(如民國78年3月25日)及身分證字號(請輸入大寫英文字母),可查詢及列印當學期成績通知單。(倘同學已成年須經授權同意後開放,於「網路註冊系統」\14、開放家長成績查詢\勾選「是」同意授權)。

二、 依本校學則第43條成績不及格退學的規定,請同學務必多加注意自身成績。 學生學期學業學習成效不佳達期中預警標準或學期平均成績不及格者(學士班未達GPA2.00以上;碩士班未達GPA2.70以上)應接受學習輔導。 連續二學期或累計三學期學業平均成績不及格且歷年修習學分數總數三分之二以上不及格者,應予退學。 另學生全學期修習科目未達十學分(含)者、領有身心障礙手冊或經政府相關單位鑑定為身心障礙者之學生得不受前述之限制。

三、 如須本校寄送當學期成績通知單、對「教師成績公布及查詢系統」或成績不及格退學相關有疑問者,歡迎電洽教務處註冊組(聯絡電話03-8906112~6116)。

敬祝大家 寒假愉快!


The grades for the 113-1 semester are expected to be available for inquiry by the end of work hours on Tuesday , January 14th of 2025 ( Please log in to the Electronic Learning Portfolio System ).

Hello everyone

We know everyone is currently working hard for the final exams! Keep it up!

The deadline for entering the grades of the 113-1 semester is January 13th, 2025 ( Monday ), the Registrar's office will download all grades uploaded by teachers after the deadline, this semester's grades are expected to be available for online inquiry by the end of work hours on January 14th, 2025( Tuesday ). At that time, please use the "The Electronic Learning Portfolio System", the grades officially announced will be considered final.

The relevant instructions are as follows:

1. (1) If parents wish to check child's grades, they can do so after the student has granted access. Parents can visit the school's homepage, navigate to "Parents" on the right side under "Chinese," and select "Parent Grade Inquiry" . To access and print the current semester's grade report, parents must enter the student's date of birth (e.g., March 25, 1989) and National ID number ( please enter uppercase letters).

(2) Authorization Process: Students can grant access by logging into the "Online Registration System", navigating to "14. Parent Grade Inquiry Authorization," and selecting "Yes" to agree to the authorization.

2. According to Article 43 of our school regulations regarding failing grades leading to dismissal, students must pay close attention to their academic performance. Students whose GPA does not meet the minimum requirements for two semesters in a row or a total of three semesters and who did not receive passing grades for more than two thirds of all attended courses shall be expelled.

3. If there is a need for the school to mail the current semester's grade report or if there are any inquiries regarding the "Teacher's Grade Announcement and Inquiry System" or issues related to dismissal due to failing grades, please feel free to contact the Registrar's Office at 03-8906112~6116.

Best wishes to everyone for a happy new year!

Office of Academic Affairs, Registrar's Office, sincerely yours.

業務承辦單位: 註冊組 Registry Div. ☎ 6112~6116