【註冊組】離校手續單一窗口 業管單位
最後更新日期 :
應屆畢業生於期末考週,預期可符合畢業資格,即可登錄 離校手續單一窗口系統 辦理離校手續。
若系統檢核項目顯示 Ⅹ,請照下表洽詢各負責單位:
項目檢核 | 洽辦單位 | 電話 |
圖書館(尚有圖書資料未還、違規欠費) |
圖書館 |
03-890-6813 |
論文繳交(查核研究生學位論文上傳、論文及授權書各2份) Submission of Final Dissertation/Thesis (online submission, 2 hard copies of the final dissertation/thesis together with a signed authorization letter) |
圖書館 |
03-890-6842 |
車管會(發報器歸還、違規費用未繳清) Vehicle Management Committee (Unreturned personal locator beacons or Unpaid fines) |
總務處事務組 行政大樓107室 General Services Division (107 Admin Bldg.) |
03-890-6329 |
出納組(在校期間尚有費用未繳清) Cashier Division (Unpaid fees during the enrollment period) |
總務處出納組 行政大樓108室 Cashier Division (108 Admin Bldg.) |
03-890-6366 |
就學貸款(未完成) Student Loans (Incomplete application) |
學務處生輔組 學生活動中心C201室 Student Living Services Division (C201 Student Activities Center) |
03-890-6221 |
學雜費減免(未完成) Reduction & Exemption of Tuition and Miscellaneous Fees (Incomplete application) |
學務處生輔組 學生活動中心C201室 Student Living Services Division (C201 Student Activities Center) |
03-890-6218 |
宿舍(宿舍費用未結清、退宿未完成) Dormitories (Unpaid fees or Incomplete check-out procedure) |
學務處生輔組 學生活動中心C201室 Student Living Services Division (C201 Student Activities Center) |
03-890-6212 03-890-6213 |
學分費(學分費未繳清) Course Credit Fees (Unpaid fees) |
教務處課務組 行政大樓502室 Curriculum Division (502 Admin Bldg.) |
03-890-6123 03-890-6126 |
英語能力畢業條件(尚未通過英檢或加修未通過) English Language Requirement for Graduation (A proficiency test unpassed or insufficient supplementary course credits) |
語言中心 人社三館D201室 Language Center (D201 Humanities Bldg. 3) |
03-890-5492 03-890-5497 |
體適能畢業條件(未通過體育中心體適能檢測) Physical Fitness Requirement for Graduation (Requirement unpassed) |
體育館 體育中心 Physical Education Center (Indoor Sports Center) |
03-890-6613 |
跨域自主學習畢業標準(未符合各領域認證時數) Cross-Disciplinary Autonomous Learning Hours (Insufficient hours in certain areas |
學務處生輔組 學生活動中心C201室 Student Living Services Division (C201 Student Activities Center) |
03-890-6227 |
教學意見調查表(未完成線上評量問卷) Course Evaluations (Incomplete online evaluations) |
教務處課務組 行政大樓502室 Curriculum Division (502 Admin Bldg.) |
03-890-6123 03-890-6126 |
離校建言(未完成線上評量問卷) Graduates’ Suggestions for the University (Incomplete online survey) |
教務處課務組 |
03-890-6123 03-890-6124 |
應屆畢業生流向調查(未完成線上評量問卷) Graduates’ Career Destinations Survey (Incomplete online survey) |
學務處畢服組 學生活動中心C106室 Graduate Placement and Alumni Service Division(C106 Student Activities Center) |
03-890-6283 |
交換生(完成返校手續) | 國際事務處 行政大樓6樓 |
03-890-5107 |
系所(專業證照未完成、器具或場地借用未歸還,依系所規定列管) Departments/Programs (Have not yet acquired professional certificates required or Unreturned borrowed equipment or items, uncleaned borrowed spaces) |
各系所辦公室 Respective Department or Program Offices of the Graduates |
註冊組 Registry Div. ☎ 6112~6116