【註冊組】111/5/30-6/17申請111-1轉系所注意事項 Flow Chart for Department/Institute Transfer Applications in the Fall(1st) Semester of the Academic Year 2022 (111-1)
(一)學生至東華大學首頁/行政單位/教務處/教務資訊系統/註冊/其他/「學生轉系所申請系統」(https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/AA/REG/TransferDep/student/login.aspx)中填妥擬申請轉系的第一、二志願系、所、學位學程資料後,產生轉系所申請表PDF檔列印紙本並簽名後,檢附擬轉系的系所要求需準備書面資料(請先洽詢該系、所、學位學程)送交所屬系、所、學位學程(學士班需要經過導師會談並簽章,研究所免) 及院長核章後,再送至第一志願申請轉系的系所備審
Application period: from May 30th , 2022 to June 17th , 2022, students must go through the academic advisor’s consultation, complete the application form by the Department Transfer System (https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/AA/REG/TransferDep/student/login.aspx)
and send it to the current studying department. Then students will send the reviewed documents directly by themselves to the first choice department for transfer.
From this semester onwards, the department for transfer able to check student’s academic results in the Department Transfer System. With the 110-2 teacher’s online login results will be ending by July 1st, 2022, it is expected that the Registry Division of the Office of Academic Affairs will announce this semester grades after July 4 th, 2022.
Department/institute transfer application form approval procedures: Review by the academic advisor, Dean of the original department/institute and college (Transcript not required : June 20th to July 1st ,2022 ; Transcript required: July 5th to July 8th, 2022)→Review by the Dean of the first-choice department/institute and college
P.S. 1.若學生想先知道第一志願轉系、所、學位學程之結果,請於審理期限結束後至「學生轉系所申請系統」中查詢審查結果,但若審查結果尚未送達教務處註冊組登錄系統,將無法查詢。
- 111-1學士班各學系轉系標準統計1110512--網頁公告用.xls
- 111-1轉系所(組)審查標準各系所網頁連接點統計1110512--網頁公告用.doc
- 111-1學生轉系所申請書(請勿用WORD檔列印要由學生轉系申請系統產生).doc
- C1_【1】111-1 DepartmentInstitute Transfer Application Form( by the department transfer system).docx
- 111-1申請轉系流程圖.pdf
- C2_【2】111-1 Flow Chart for DepartmentInstitute Transfer Applications.pdf