
【註冊組】國立東華大學成績單說明 National Dong Hwa University Transcript Guide

最後更新日期 : 2023-12-06


National Dong Hwa University Transcript Guide


Ⅰ.Academic scores: The letter grade system.

等第計分Grade A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D E
GP值Grade Point 4.5 4 3.7 3.3 3 2.7 2.5 2.3 2 1 0
百分計分Score 90-100 85-89 80-84 77-79 73-76 70-72 67-69 63-66 60-62 50-59 <50

學士班及格標準GPA2.0以上   The lowest passing grade for any course is GPA2.0 for undergraduate programs.

研究生及格標準GPA2.7以上   The lowest passing grade for any course is GPA2.7 for graduate programs.  

Ⅱ.Conduct scores: The letter grade system

等第計分Grade 優等 甲等 乙等 丙等 丁等
百分計分Score 90分以上 80-89分 70-79分 60-69分 不滿60分



Ⅲ.Notes for Grade and Course:

* 不及格。
Student failed a course taken under the pass/fail grading option.
# 重複修習,不列入學分及平均成績。
Repeated course, are not counted toward GPA and the total credits required for graduation.
W 停修。
*** 成績未齊。
No Grade Reported.
S 通過,此類科目只計入學分,不計算平均成績。
Satisfactory, these course are not counted toward GPA.
U 未通過。
I 未完成,暫不計入學分。
Incomplete, these course are not counted toward GPA and the total credits required for graduation until completed.
English-taught course.
English-Medium-Instruction Courses
The undergraduate course studied by graduate student are not counted toward GPA and the total credits required for graduation.
Advanced placement and Exempt credits not counted toward GPA but the total credits required for graduation.



Ⅳ.Credit Certification Standards for English Mediated Instruction (EMI) Courses

1.EMI課程:English-Medium-Instruction Courses
2.英語修課等級認證基準 Credit Certification Standards for English Mediated Instruction Courses


(EMI Level)




At least 16 undergraduate credits or 12.5% of the total credits required for graduation are earned from EMI courses.



At least 32 undergraduate credits or 25% of the total credits required for graduation are earned from EMI courses.



At least 64 undergraduate credits or 50% of the total credits required for graduation are earned from EMI courses.



At least 98 undergraduate credits or 75% of the total credits required for graduation are earned from EMI courses.



At least 128 undergraduate credits or 100% of the total credits required for graduation are earned from EMI courses.


V. Grade Table with Percentage Equivalency

學業平均成績:Grade Point Average (GPA)

對應之百分數:Percentage Equivalent

學業平均成績 對應之百分數 學業平均成績 對應之百分數 學業平均成績 對應之百分數 學業平均成績 對應之百分數 學業平均成績 對應之百分數 學業平均成績 對應之百分數
4.50 100.00 4.05 90.10 3.60 82.75 3.15 77.50 2.70 72.00 2.25 65.00
4.49 99.78 4.04 89.88 3.59 82.63 3.14 77.40 2.69 71.85 2.24 64.80
4.48 99.56 4.03 89.66 3.58 82.50 3.13 77.30 2.68 71.70 2.23 64.60
4.47 99.34 4.02 89.44 3.57 82.38 3.12 77.20 2.67 71.55 2.22 64.40
4.46 99.12 4.01 89.22 3.56 82.25 3.11 77.10 2.66 71.40 2.21 64.20
4.45 98.90 4.00 89.00 3.55 82.13 3.10 77.00 2.65 71.25 2.20 64.00
4.44 98.68 3.99 88.83 3.54 82.00 3.09 76.90 2.64 71.10 2.19 63.80
4.43 98.46 3.98 88.67 3.53 81.88 3.08 76.80 2.63 70.95 2.18 63.60
4.42 98.24 3.97 88.50 3.52 81.75 3.07 76.70 2.62 70.80 2.17 63.40
4.41 98.02 3.96 88.33 3.51 81.63 3.06 76.60 2.61 70.65 2.16 63.20
4.40 97.80 3.95 88.17 3.50 81.50 3.05 76.50 2.60 70.50 2.15 63.00
4.39 97.58 3.94 88.00 3.49 81.38 3.04 76.40 2.59 70.35 2.14 62.80
4.38 97.36 3.93 87.83 3.48 81.25 3.03 76.30 2.58 70.20 2.13 62.60
4.37 97.14 3.92 87.67 3.47 81.13 3.02 76.20 2.57 70.05 2.12 62.40
4.36 96.92 3.91 87.50 3.46 81.00 3.01 76.10 2.56 69.90 2.11 62.20
4.35 96.70 3.90 87.33 3.45 80.88 3.00 76.00 2.55 69.75 2.10 62.00
4.34 96.48 3.89 87.17 3.44 80.75 2.99 75.87 2.54 69.60 2.09 61.80
4.33 96.26 3.88 87.00 3.43 80.63 2.98 75.73 2.53 69.45 2.08 61.60
4.32 96.04 3.87 86.83 3.42 80.50 2.97 75.60 2.52 69.30 2.07 61.40
4.31 95.82 3.86 86.67 3.41 80.38 2.96 75.47 2.51 69.15 2.06 61.20
4.30 95.60 3.85 86.50 3.40 80.25 2.95 75.33 2.50 69.00 2.05 61.00
4.29 95.38 3.84 86.33 3.39 80.13 2.94 75.20 2.49 68.85 2.04 60.80
4.28 95.16 3.83 86.17 3.38 80.00 2.93 75.07 2.48 68.70 2.03 60.60
4.27 94.94 3.82 86.00 3.37 79.88 2.92 74.93 2.47 68.55 2.02 60.40
4.26 94.72 3.81 85.83 3.36 79.75 2.91 74.80 2.46 68.40 2.01 60.20
4.25 94.50 3.80 85.67 3.35 79.63 2.90 74.67 2.45 68.25 2.00 60.00
4.24 94.28 3.79 85.50 3.34 79.50 2.89 74.53 2.44 68.10  
4.23 94.06 3.78 85.33 3.33 79.38 2.88 74.40 2.43 67.95
4.22 93.84 3.77 85.17 3.32 79.25 2.87 74.27 2.42 67.80
4.21 93.62 3.76 85.00 3.31 79.13 2.86 74.13 2.41 67.65
4.20 93.40 3.75 84.83 3.30 79.00 2.85 74.00 2.40 67.50
4.19 93.18 3.74 84.67 3.29 78.90 2.84 73.87 2.39 67.35
4.18 92.96 3.73 84.50 3.28 78.80 2.83 73.73 2.38 67.20
4.17 92.74 3.72 84.33 3.27 78.70 2.82 73.60 2.37 67.05
4.16 92.52 3.71 84.17 3.26 78.60 2.81 73.47 2.36 66.90
4.15 92.30 3.70 84.00 3.25 78.50 2.80 73.33 2.35 66.75
4.14 92.08 3.69 83.88 3.24 78.40 2.79 73.20 2.34 66.60
4.13 91.86 3.68 83.75 3.23 78.30 2.78 73.07 2.33 66.45
4.12 91.64 3.67 83.63 3.22 78.20 2.77 72.93 2.32 66.30
4.11 91.42 3.66 83.50 3.21 78.10 2.76 72.80 2.31 66.15
4.10 91.20 3.65 83.38 3.20 78.00 2.75 72.67 2.30 66.00
4.09 90.98 3.64 83.25 3.19 77.90 2.74 72.53 2.29 65.80
4.08 90.76 3.63 83.13 3.18 77.80 2.73 72.40 2.28 65.60
4.07 90.54 3.62 83.00 3.17 77.70 2.72 72.27 2.27 65.40
4.06 90.32 3.61 82.88 3.16 77.60 2.71 72.13 2.26 65.20
業務承辦單位: 註冊組 Registry Div. ☎ 6112~6116
業務分類: 成績相關