【註冊組】113-1學期畢業生辦理離校領取學位證書流程School Leaving & Diploma Receiving Procedures for 113-1 Graduating Students
離校手續單一窗口(學生端) https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/AA/REG/single/login.aspx
The online single window service system will be open between December 23th,2024 and February 14th, 2025
We are not on duty these days: 114/1/20(一)、1/24(五)、2/3(一)
本組114/1/20(一)全員支援114年大學學測試務,當日辦公室無留守人員,請勿前往洽公。 |
- 請至「電子學習履歷」確認操行成績及本學期修課成績已全部登錄成績,且符合畢業條件。
Please check the conduct grades and course grades for this semester in the e-Portfolio to ensure they have all been recorded. - 「離校手續單一窗口」欄位都是O後,即表示完成離校手續,若欄位為X,請洽各業管單位。
Please make sure to visit the School Leaving Single-Window Service and confirm that all fields are marked with O.
If there is "X" shown in the item, please contact the responsible unit. - 研究所碩、博士班畢業生除「離校手續單一窗口」檢核外,另應繳交紙本「畢業生離校手續單」(請於114/2/14前完成學位論文上傳及繳交,學位證書仍載記114年1月;逾期完成畢業手續,視同下學期畢業生)。
Please download and print the School Leaving Checklist to complete your School Leaving procedure.
The final certificate issuance deadline for the 113-1 Master's and doctoral graduates who meet the graduation requirements and complete the school leaving procedures is February 14th, 2025. - 領取學位證書可申請郵寄或親領:
Location for diploma receiving: Registry Division of Academic Affairs Office (401 Administration Building)
電子學習履歷 https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/CTE/Ed_StudP_WebSite/Login.aspx
應屆畢業生領取學位證書登錄系統 https://web.ndhu.edu.tw/AA/prv_graduate/login.aspx
畢業生離校教學建言 https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/AA/CLASS/GraduSug_Stud_WebSite/Login.aspx
應屆畢業生流向調查 https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/SA/FreshGd_Survey/login.aspx
教學意見調查表 https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/AA/CLASS/SubjEvaluate/eval-login.aspx
悠遊卡記名 https://ezweb.easycard.com.tw/eccl2/apply.action

School Leaving & Diploma Receiving Procedures for 113-1 Graduating Students.pdf
1130529-Student Checklist for School Leaving Procedure_service is open.docx
1130529-Student Checklist for School Leaving Procedure_service is open.pdf